Cleanse me…

Please note the content below is not health advice, but merely my own lived experience of my cleanse and detox.

Over the last year, what I’ve been really working on, amongst other things, has been my connection to my body and clearing the vessel so my psychic senses and intuition can continue to ignite and come through me. As a coach, therapist, energy and body worker this is foundational for the work I do.

As most of you know, I sit in meditation most mornings and ask spirit to guide me in my next steps for the day. More recently the message from spirit has been coming in think and fast… “STRENGTH!”

My first thought when this came through was just to go harder in the gym. 🤣 But I know that this is just an old pattern and programming from my PT days. So I continued to get curious.

What came up was ‘empowered strength’ in body, mind and spirit 🤔

For me to facilitate the work I do, there is a real empowerment and discernment that has to be embodied. Some days the energy can feel like I’m channeling a hurricane, and my work recently has been in standing empowered and discerning in what I let come through me. Not only that, to hold strong kundalini energy in self we have to strong in body, mind and spirit.

This has been a bit of a journey, and what I’ve learned, and continue to learn, is that this has to begin at a micro level with simple things like… what I eat, what I drink, who and what I spend time on. To be empowered and discerning with the energy, I have to be empowered and discerning in life.

I found this message uncomfortable and humbling at first because the past few years I’ve really cleaned things up in my world. I don’t drink alcohol, nor coffee, no gluten, diary. I have a consistent meditation and breathwork practice, I move my body daily, I don’t spend time with people I don’t love, and I continue to be devoted and committed to my work. So initially I was like… “WTF…. Spirit, you want me to go deeper with this?!” 🙈

Anyway, I always trust and have faith in what comes through me, and knew there would be huge lessons within it.

As it goes, spirit continued to lead me down the path showing me signs that a cleanse was the way forward. I was hesitant at first, it being my first cleanse with no practitioner support.

But spirit really took the lead with this one and shined a light on all the areas I needed to consider and look at. Turns out my calendar was clear with school holidays last week, so the timing could not have been more perfect.

I chose to do a warming five day ‘Sol Cleanse’. Think warming broths and soups for five days, cutting out all processed foods, meat, sugar, alcohol, caffeine etc. I continued to take my own supplements, added a few extra, drank water and herbal teas. My stomach loves warming and grounding foods so this felt aligned for me.

When the five day ‘Sol Cleanse’ was up, I continued the journey for another five days and made my own soups, broths and salads.

So here’s what showed up for me:


  • Head aches - these were dull for always first the first 4-5days.

  • Lots of 💩 💩🙈

  • Tiredness - as I dropped into my body, I realised how tired and run down I was.

  • Body aches and joint pain - this one surprised me and it felt like everything was detoxing from inflammation.

  • I also got my bleed during the cleanse. I was hesitant to continue, but turns out it was light and I had no bloating or dragging sensations like I usually would. I’m a firm believer that the cleanliness and lightness of this cleanse, correlated with my bleed symptoms. Again, please consult a practitioner for advice if you’re considering a cleanse. For me, I felt I knew my body well enough to know what I needed.


Interestingly, I felt really calm from the moment i started my cleanse. Even Simon noticed and commented. It was like I just gave my body and my digestive system an opportunity to slow down. At times, I can rush food between clients or to get out the door, and it only leaves me feeling heavy and bloated.

One of the big things I noticed emotionally was how much more I could FEEL my emotions. Cue having feelings, any where any time. At the hairdresser, in the shopping centre, in front of my children. Yep… it was like I could no longer disassociated or distract myself from what was coming up. There was nothing, no food or drink, to push these emotions down. Thankfully I have the inner work tools to parent myself through these emotions.

At times, I got curious about what was underneath some of those reoccurring feelings and established some residual mothering guilt and shame from my postal depression and anxiety days. As I slowed down and was more present with my girls, I also felt a sense of loss for what I missed out on those early years.


This was a huge one for me! Over the cleanse I noticed how loud, and quite cheeky my mind can be. She can really sabotage my own healing and growth, in an event to avoid uncomfortably and feelings like vulnerability and courage. Wowsers!

Even though at times my mind would say “what’s the point”, “just do it another time”, “you’ve had a rough day, just drink the god darn cup of cacao”, there was something that made this cleanse so much easier.

Perhaps it was my will power or having a deep connection to my “why”. But a huge factor for me was being able to relinquishing my minds control and handing everything over to spirit when shit got hard. There is no better feeling.

I journaled a lot also through this experience. I meditated and got really clear with my daily intentions. I verbalised affirmations in the sauna daily. And I believe these supported my experience.

I knew deep down that this cleanse was for my highest good. I knew deep down that this is all part of the grand plan and my mission to continue to do the work that I do. When I reminded myself of that, the mind just let go of the want and need to control, and I could surrender to just be there with the discomfort in that moment.

It was like this cleanse gave my mind even more evidence that I can be empowered in my decisions, I can set boundaries and that spirit is here to help guide my soul’s journey. Phew 😅


Where do even begin with this one. My psychic sense and intuition have been significantly heightened through this experience.

I also had the realisation that working with the energy and doing the work that I do is not for faint hearted. There is a real devotion and commitment to the work and highlighted the important of continually clearing my vessel to ensure I’m operating and facilitating from neutrality and presence. Cause let’s face it, no one wants transference.

This process has also weirdly shown me to love my imperfections and to always return to a beginner mindset. Thank goodness. 😝

So all in all, this process has been a beautifully unfolding journey. It’s really made me appreciate my vessel like never before. I’m feeling more clear with way less brain fog, light, airy, have had epic sleep and feel more align than ever before. There’s so much more I could share about this cleanse but feel that’s enough for now.

Whilst I won’t continue to cleanse regime from here on in, it’s given me more appreciation for eating intuitively and to eat more in alignment with how I want to feel. But most importantly, the biggest take away from this cleanse is to always tune back into the body. We have this internal guidance system available to us at all times. It just takes gentle enquiry and awareness to hear the subtle whispers.

I have no doubt I’ll do this again, using it as tool to gain more clarity in my mind, body and spirit. I feel beyond proud for following the bread crumbs and doing the hard thing.

A gentle reminder that, this type of thing is not for everyone. Whilst I didn’t utilised practitioner support this time around, I have done in the past and felt I had the knowledge and resources to get me through. This one was also led by my intuitive nudges and so if that is not available to you, I do have quite a few health practitioners in my corner if you ever needed their details, please reach out.

If you’re still reading this, thank you for being here. If you have any question, make sure you get in touch. I’d love to connect with you.

Until the next exhale,



In the Press: Vocal Freedom Program