I’m passionate about helping you do the inner work, so you can live a conscious and fulfilling life

My Story

I remember sitting in the doctor’s office, with a loud ringing in my ears, tears rolling down my face, my body was completely numb and my vision was blurry. I was holding my second born child, only ten weeks old. I had severe intrusive thoughts and I felt completely disconnected to her, my family and myself. The doctor slapped me with a diagnosis of depression and anxiety, gave me a script and sent me on my way with a mental health care plan. When I left that doctor’s office I felt alone, isolated, sad, angry and everything in between. 

My mothering journey had been far from enjoyable. My daughters both experienced their own health challenges from birth, and I struggled to cope. It wasn’t this love filled pleasurable experience the movies make it out to be.

I remember getting home from the doctor’s office and thinking…. “What the… how the hell did I get here!”.  At the time, I had 13 years experience as a coach and therapist behind me, and if you looked at my life from the outside in, I had my sh*t together. A successful PT business, an OT career in one of the top private hospitals in Brisbane, a family, husband, two beautiful daughters and a white picket fence. 

In the past, I hadn’t had the best experience with the clinical talk therapy and knew this time round I wanted to take a holistic approach incorporating all aspects of mind, body and spirit in my recovery. Whilst my inner work journey began many years prior to this, this experience had me willing to finally embody what I knew. And, so my inner work journey began. 

I worked with and along side some of the best inner work coaches and performance coaches in Australia. Whilst the journey was certainly not linear, I began to heal and started to find meaning and purpose in my life. I actually got to know myself at a deep, core level and unpacked all the baggage I’d been holding on to. I began embodying the work and living my life from authenticity and empowerment. It was quite clear that my soul was calling me to continue to coach and provide therapy whilst incorporating the additional holistic modalities I had learnt through my own journey.

And so, I rebirthed my business, Hayley Lam Wellness. It’s here. I’m able to use 16+ years of coaching and therapy experience, plus a ton of life experience to support, guide and lead clients through their own inner journeys. It’s the best gig, and I’m so grateful I get to call it my life’s work.

Fun Facts About Me

  • I am an awesome dancer and have no hesitation in busting out my wicked moves on any dance floor.

  • After leaving school, I spent 7 years in a Brisbane corporate law firm starting out as a junior court clerk and then working myway up to be a conveyancing paralegal and senior legal secretary.

  • I travelled all over the globe for most of my 20s, plus spending 12 months in Canada working as a personal trainer for a well known Health Club, followed by 12 months on cruise ships travelling around the USA and the Caribbean.

Bachelor of Occupational Therapy

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Awakened Lifestyles Inner Work Coach Accredited

Evolve Now - Matrix Therapist

Evolve Now - Accredited Life Coach

Breathwork Practitioner + Coach

Reiki Practitioner 

Kundalini Activation + Energy Healing Light Worker

Sound Healer

Personal Trainer + Group Fitness Instructor


Memberships and Registrations

Australian Health Practitioner Registration Association (APRAH)

Occupational Therapy Australia