Supporting you to move toward the epic life your heart
deeply desires…

Hi, I’m Hayley

I come with 16+ years experience in all things wellness. I’m a qualified mental health occupational therapist, accredited inner work coach, breathwork and reiki practitioner, kundalini energy activator and light worker.

I help humans do the inner work, mentally, emotionally, energetically and spiritually.  I’m on a mission to support humans to live meaningful, fulfilling, conscious lives.

After working with hundreds of clients over the years in both the clinical and holistic space, what I know to be certain is that healing, growing and evolving into the best version of self is not linear. It’s imperative that all elements of body, mind and spirit be considered as you move toward personal alignment.

The offerings I provide to my clients, are modalities and services I have used, studied, embodied and integrated into my own inner work journey.

This work literally saved my life, and I have unwavering belief that it will support and help you too. 

The fact that you're here tells me you have an inner calling toward this work.  I invite you to listen to that, act on it, and reach out, I'd love to chat.

Hayley xx

How I can help...

I utilise various occupational therapy frameworks and holistic healing modalities including inner work and wellness coaching, breathwork, meditation, inner child therapy, kundalini energy activation, reiki and sound healing. We unpack and move through the stuff that's been holding you back, clean the slate, and begin to create and embody a life you truly desire.

What my clients are saying

Hayley is such a warm, caring and brilliant practitioner. I came to Hayley because I knew something in my life needed to change but I didn’t really know how or where to start. Hayley helped me to work through my inner blockages in a gentle and supportive space which allowed me to grow, evolve and find myself again. She practices and speaks from her own experiences and inner work which is inspiring and real. I love working with her and I wouldn’t have a successful business, loving relationship and better sense of self without her help. She is amazing and if you are feeling stuck or know you need to do some innerwork book in to see her, you won’t regret it!
— Jaclyn, 27 - Owner/Director MVMNT by Design
I first began working with Hayley Lam in 2011. At that time she was my fitness coach. Little did she know at that time, that her positive energy and belief in me, was worth as much to me for my mental well-being as her training was for my physical health. As Hayley has continued to develop and educate herself as a coach, I have maintained my relationship with her as a mentor and coach. In 2019, I suffered a break down following a significant stressful event in my life. One of the first people I called was Hayley. She helped me find my way out of the pain, and manage my emotions, mind and my body to negotiate the biggest challenge in my life. Through Hayley’s regular coaching and other treatments I have a found peace and happiness in my life that I had never experienced before as an adult. I still have challenges, but they no longer dominate my life, and I have space to appreciate and enjoy the wonderful life I have.
— Cameron, 47 - Senior Executive, Banking and Finance

Let’s kickstart your health + wellness goals

I’ll be with you every step of the way.